We are Open!
We are planning on running most of our regularly scheduled camp programs but will continue to monitor the latest health and safety guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as local State Departments and the American Camp Association. We've been closed for the past two months; for our customers’ sake, we closed before it was mandatory and remained closed after we were allowed to reopen. We are a small, locally owned business that has been hit hard financially. However, we miss our students dearly!
Like most small businesses, we are doing what we can to stay afloat while supporting our families and staff. We've been busy monitoring info, designing a safety plan and investing in physical changes in our facilities to make sure we can offer you the safest environment possible for your kids this summer. A list of changes that we have implemented is detailed below:
We’ve modified our registration and cancellation policy as well as our operational procedures. To learn more about the safety measures we’ll be taking this summer, please keep reading. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
We’ve drastically decreased our occupancy in both locations, making spots even more limited than usual. By limited, we’re talking about groups of approximately 8-10 kids. While we will do our best to accommodate returning families, we cannot guarantee a space will be available for your child if you wish to return after canceling.
To keep “stable groups,” only the kids registered will have access to our facility. No parents or siblings are allowed at the studio or restroom.
Our lobby has 6-foot floor marks to help with social distancing practices when dropping off and picking up your kids.
If there’s a line outside our building, please wait in your car or follow the social distancing signs/marks while waiting.
Our staff will assist you with touch-less student check-in and pick-up to avoid touching pens, door knobs and screens.
You’ll be required to answer a few questions at drop off and all of the kids’ temperatures will be taken at drop off everyday. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will not be able to attend a class.
For obvious reasons, we’ll be enforcing our Illness Policy. If your child presents visible symptoms of sickness, he/she won’t be able to stay.
Everyone walking into our facility must wear a face mask and use hand sanitizer.
We’ll provide chef hats, aprons and face shields for the kids to use during class. To enter our studio, however, students must wear a face mask.
The layout of our workstations has been modified to maintain the recommended social distance. We’ve installed commercial sneeze guards on every workstation so there’s always a barrier between kids. There’s only one child at each workstation.
Each camper will work individually during camp but our instructors and assistants will always be there to assist them as much as they need. Children do not share workstations, food, utensils or equipment.
We’ve increased our cleaning procedures and rotations. We’re routinely cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces in the studio such as workstations, tables, countertops, sneeze guards, equipment and doorknobs with EPA approved cleaning and sanitizing products.
We have hand sanitizer available at the entrance, reception area, restroom and kitchen. Once kids are wearing their chef hats, aprons and face shields, they are required to wash their hands before cooking.
Disinfectant wipes are available throughout the studio so commonly used surfaces can be wiped down by employees as often as needed.
Although we clean often, we still deep clean and sanitize equipment everyday at the beginning and end of camps.
Hand sanitizer is a substitute but should not take the place of hand washing. Kids will be washing their hands a lot: before and after cooking, before eating, after going to the bathroom, blowing their nose, coughing or sneezing, etc.
The safety of your kids is very important to us and we will work to maintain that our standards are consistent with healthy and safety procedures set by authorities.